這是由我們美國鑽石領袖 Kelly Tolar教練 分享的招募技巧,夥伴請注意使用此方式招募時,KAVEN教練強烈建議僅限於自己熟識或信任的人脈,且有產品購買需求的親友為佳。用此方式招募不建議向陌生市場提供10美元,免費給不認識的人一個月的會員資格,因為非常可能浪費你的投資。
這個培訓 專為幫助星鑽事業夥伴有效執行並教導「以愛傳愛 計畫」(Pay-It-Forward, PIF),以拓展你的 LiveGood 事業。計畫簡單易學,人人可複製,並專注於在全球範圍內創造健康與財富的巨大影響力。
步驟 1:了解以愛傳愛計畫
以愛傳愛計畫的重點:每週為 2 個人贊助會員資格,每個會員資格僅需 $9.95美金,就能讓受贈者獲得:
- 探索產品並享受會員優惠。
- 免費體驗會員價值的機會。
- 升級聯營商開始賺錢。
- 目標:在第一個月內贈送2份會員資格。
- 行動:投入$19.90,贈送兩份會員資格(每份$9.95)。
- 成果:立即晉升為青銅會員(Bronze Affiliate)。
- 教導:向兩位新會員展示,如何通過贈送他人會員資格,來傳遞善行。
- 成果:重複此循環以創建一個能自然成長的可複製系統。
- 目標:每週贈送2個會員資格。
- 行動:每月投資 $79.60 贊助 8 個會員資格(每週 2 個)。
- 成果:每月新增 8–10 位新會員。
- 潛力:許多會員在體驗後會選擇升級成為聯營商夥伴。
步驟 2:為什麼 以愛傳愛計畫有效?
- 以產品和會員為基礎:從會員資格開始,為他人提供即時價值,幫助他們省錢、改善健康並享受生活方式的益處。
- 小投資,大影響:「以愛傳愛計畫」簡單、易複製、人人可行,能在不複雜且無壓力的情況下發展他們的事業。
步驟 3:讓夥伴融入更大的願景
- 引導參與:鼓勵 PIF 會員參加公司與團隊系統的會議(現場或重播),這些資源對於幫助成員理解產品、公司願景及其角色至關重要。
- 建立連結:強調會員資格與產品如何打造長久的健康與財富機會。善用群運作與ABC法則,借力使力事業如意。
步驟 4:團隊合作並以身作則
1.追蹤你的努力:- 用簡單的試算表或 App 紀錄你所贊助的會員。
- 跟進他們的進展與參與情況。
- 每會必到定期與您的成員聯繫。
- 群運作解答疑惑,協助他們看懂會員事業的好處。
- 幫助想要進一步發展的人,教導他們如何贈送會員資格、升級及建立團隊的策略。
步驟 5:以願景領航
- 持續保持穩定的努力。
- 真誠分享 LiveGood美好生活 的好處。
- 建立關係,營造一個專注學習、合作與影響力的團隊文化。
- 贈送兩位會員: 從兩位會員資格開始,創造動力。
- 教會複製: 幫助他人複製這項流程,以擴展網路。
- 保持聯繫並參與: 確保成員保持與資源和學習機會的連結。
- 以身作則: 保持組織性,激勵您的團隊,並追蹤進度。
以愛傳愛計畫簡單卻威力無窮。只要持續執行,就能產生巨大的連鎖效應,帶來 LiveGood 事業的指數型成長。透過教授並複製這個系統,我們可以共同為自己和不斷擴大的團隊創造健康、財富和影響力。讓我們一起透過LiveGood取得成功!
準備好大展身手了嗎? 今天就開始贊助會員吧!
LiveGood Pay-It-Forward Plan Training: Building with Vision
This training is designed to help you effectively implement and teach the Pay-It-Forward (PIF) Plan for growing your LiveGood business. It’s simple, duplicatable, and focused on creating massive impact while building health and wealth worldwide.
Step 1: Understand the Pay-It-Forward Plan
The PIF Plan involves gifting memberships to two people each week. Each membership costs just $9.95, giving your recipients:
- Access to LiveGood's products and membership benefits.
- A chance to experience the membership risk-free.
- The potential to upgrade to affiliate status.
Beginner Method: Start Strong
- Objective: Gift 2 memberships within your first month.
- Action: Invest $19.90 to gift two memberships ($9.95 each).
- Result: Achieve Bronze Affiliate status instantly.
- Teach: Show your two new members how to Pay It Forward by gifting memberships to two others.
- Outcome: Repeat this cycle to create a duplicatable system that grows organically.
Advanced Method: Accelerate Growth
- Objective: Gift 2 memberships per week.
- Action: Invest $79.60 monthly to gift 8 memberships (2 per week).
- Result: Generate 8–10 new members per month.
- Potential: Many members will choose to upgrade to affiliate status after experiencing the benefits.
Key to Success: Teach every new affiliate the Beginner Method to maintain simple, scalable growth.
Step 2: Why the PIF Plan Works
- Focus on Products & Membership:By starting with the membership, you provide immediate value, helping members save money, improve their health, and enjoy the lifestyle benefits.
- Simple & Duplicatable:The Beginner Method ensures anyone can participate and grow their network without complexity.
Step 3: Plug Members into the Bigger Picture
After gifting a membership:
- Engage: Encourage your PIF members to attend corporate Zoom calls (live or replay) to learn about LiveGood's products and vision.
- Connect: Highlight how the membership and products create lasting health and financial opportunities.
Step 4: Stay Organized & Lead by Example
To ensure success:
1. Track Your Efforts:
- Use a simple spreadsheet or app to list everyone you’ve gifted a membership to.
- Monitor their progress and engagement.
2. Engage Your Team:
- Ensure members are participating in learning opportunities.
- Answer questions and provide support as they explore the membership.
Mentor Affiliates:
- Help those ready to upgrade become confident in duplicating the process.
Step 5: Lead with Vision
The PIF Plan is more than just gifting memberships—it’s about creating a movement. You’re investing in people’s health, finances, and futures. As you grow your network:
- Stay consistent in your efforts.
- Share the benefits of LiveGood authentically.
- Build relationships and a team culture focused on learning, collaboration, and impact.
Final Thoughts
The Pay-It-Forward Plan is simple yet powerful. When implemented consistently, it creates a ripple effect, leading to exponential growth in your LiveGood business. Together, by teaching and duplicating this system, we can make a difference in lives worldwide.
Ready to crush it? Start gifting those memberships today
還在尋找一個真正可靠的 #兼差 #賺錢 的方法?
全新在家工作 微創業商機!! 美商LiveGood正在席捲全世界!!
- 不用買一堆高出市價用不完的產品才能"創業"
- 不用東奔西跑"進貨、賣貨、送貨、囤貨"
- 不用推銷高價的"仙丹妙藥、神奇產品"
- 不用每個月重消、自動送貨,真正消費自由!!
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