來自LiveGood我們團隊系統美國領導人 提姆教練在他的FB上的這篇文章,坦誠、直白分享了他在直銷事業的真實經驗,點醒了我們許多直銷傳統思維的迷思,諸如關於收入展示的心態。提姆教練揭示了自己在 LiveGood 事業上之所以成功,其建立事業的關鍵並非炫耀收入,而是專注於長遠目標、正確的心態,以及不斷努力。
提姆教練 這篇分享文目的在提醒大家,真正的成功來自於專注於使命,而不是短期的利益。只要改變心態,我們都能在這個事業中取得長久的成就。
現在就讓我們一同走進這位 皇冠鑽石領袖 的世界,聆聽 提姆教練 對成功、金錢和使命的真知灼見。
Timbo 的囉嗦:
我的收入和你沒關係!我在 LiveGood 公司 18 個月內賺了超過 140 萬美元,但告訴你我賺了多少並不能幫助你建立事業。
作為皇冠鑽石 💎,我實際上已經實現了財務自由,根據我們公司的高速成長 📈,這一點你應該很容易理解。此外,我還有一些其他的投資 (不是傳直銷),這些投資能讓我利滾利💰。
我的重點如下 👉
已故的 Dexter Yeager (願他安息)在安麗的收入超過每月 700 萬美元。這能鼓勵別人加入安麗嗎?這種傳銷思維必須停止 🛑。我曾在團隊群組和聊天中展示過幾次收入截圖,只是為了顯示賺錢的可能性和真實性,而不是作為建立事業的工具,我從來不會炫耀支票來招募!
我所知道的是每週五公司會議上公布的內容。(重播可在個人行動辦公室後台的"webinar"選單下找到)[或按此>>>開啟星火會議 重點整理與重播]
鑽石位階 💎 平均每月收入達到六位數美元。
鑽石分紅獎金池預計在未來幾年內,每月至少可達到1萬美元起,這要歸功於公司提供的系統、行銷漏斗、積極的廣告活動以及新的合作計劃,聯營商可以從公司那裡購買付費名單(不是潛在名單)... 😱
要像我當時在遊民收容所裡一樣,努力工作不斷分享自己的免費註冊導覽網頁吧。這個獎勵計劃是公平公正、慷慨大方,讓每個人都能贏,有無限的持續性收入潛力,並且不會有人受到傷害 🤕!
在 LiveGood 中,加入的時間早晚並不重要。世代對等獎金才是大錢的來源!我們的矩陣計劃會讓人們賺到一些錢,但位階晉升才能真正賺大錢!
Timbo Rant:
Someone just asked me why I don't post my most recent earnings on here and this is the answer!
What I earn is nobody's business! I have earned well over 1.4 million dollars in LG in 18 months and what I earn will NOT help any one build a business.
I am literally on the other side of the money as a Crown Diamond 💎 so it does not take much to figure it out with our growth 📈. I also have investments outside LiveGood (Not MLM) that makes me money on my money 💰
I'm posting this publicly so it can be a teaching moment!
Here is my point 👉
Dexter Yeager (RIP) estate earns over 7 million a month in Amway. Would that encourage someone to go join Amway? This MLM mindset has to stop 🛑. I floated a check a few times to affiliates in our team groups and chats just to show the possibilities and what is real. Not as a tool to build a business as I never sponsored anyone flashing checks!
One of our amazing affiliates made a meme that has been floated all over social media. I did not personally create the meme. See meme below.
All I know is what comes down each Friday on our Corporate calls (Recordings are in our back offices under the meetings tab).
Bronze in break even plus
Silver earning I would guess between a few dollars a month to a few hundred dollars a month (EST) on a $9.95 deal depending on their team size and allowing it to grow organically.
Gold is the sweet spot. Golds average $300 to $500.00 a month residual.
Platinums average between 2k - 8k depending on again the organization and duplication.
Diamonds 💎 are averaging 6 figures.
Diamond bonus pools are projected to be minimum 10k a month min in the next few years with the systems, funnels, company aggressive ad campaigns and the new CoOp where affiliates can buy paid customers (Not Leads) from the company.... 😱
Do not ask me to flash a check! Go to the pay plan, look at the numbers of members announced each week on the corporate update call, do the math!
Focus on your focus and not mine. I'm just here to continue to crush this industry and expose the dirty truth. This industry is broken and needed to be fixed. It's the mission and not the commissions!
Take the FREE TOUR like I did when I was homeless in a shelter and go to work. This compensation plan is fair, generous, and designed where everyone can win, unlimited residual income potential, and no one gets 🤕 hurt!
In LiveGood getting in at the top does not matter. The Generational Matches is where the big bucks are! Our matrix will make people some money but those that Rank up Bank up!
Off my rant!!!
"The only person that should count another man's money is a banker 😜"
Get in, plug in and stay in till you win!
延伸視頻丨一年內從無家可歸者,變成百萬美元富翁丨Tim Miller丨中文字幕丨見證分享丨看懂LiveGood
延伸閱讀丨皇冠鑽石領袖收入截圖與分析!! LiveGood的最大收益不是矩陣獎金丨真人真事
還在尋找一個真正可靠的 #兼差 #賺錢 的方法?
全新在家工作 微創業商機!! 美商LiveGood正在席捲全世界!!
- 不用買一堆高出市價用不完的產品才能"創業"
- 不用東奔西跑"進貨、賣貨、送貨、囤貨"
- 不用推銷高價的"仙丹妙藥、神奇產品"
- 不用每個月重消、自動送貨,真正消費自由!!
免費註冊佔位丨歡迎聯繫星鑽系統LiveGoodSTAR推薦人或教練 協助您
LiveGoodSTAR星鑽居家微創業系統 在家工作丨微型創業