DirectSellingNews DSN是一家專門報導直銷和網絡行銷行業新聞的在線媒體。它於1999年創立,歷經20多年的持續運營,已成為行業內極具權威性的資訊來源,是直銷業界最具影響力和公信力的媒體之一。
以下分享DirectSellingNews DSN線上媒體 關於美商LiveGood的報導。
LiveGood 是一家僅僅成立 13 個月的直銷公司,已經突破了一百萬會員的里程碑。LiveGood 採用最有效果的成分, 以先進的營養補充品來幫助人們,並通過會員訂閱制度運作,以及透過聯盟行銷的方式,優先會員以優惠價格直接購買,從而實現差異化。訂閱每月 9.95 美元或每年 99.95 美元的會員資格,可享有批發價格的產品,且隨時可取消會員訂閱。此外,公司還提供聯盟行銷機會,讓顧客可以透過分享產品來賺取收益。
該公司的產品陣容不斷擴大,包括各種綜合維生素和營養品,針對特定需求,如助眠、消炎、增肌和減重。所有產品均在美國製造,並且在經過 cGMP/NSF 認證的專業代工廠生產,由 LiveGood 的產品開發總監 Ryan Goodkin 指導研發。Ryan Goodkin 擁有藥學博士學位,並具有自然療法醫師和藥劑師的背景。
「我不是為了銷售而創造產品」Goodkin 說道「我是為了給自己和家人使用而打造產品。沒有100%信任的東西,我絕對不會讓我的家人服用。這就是我創立LiveGood 的原因 。我制定了每一種產品的配方。我清楚知道其中包含哪些成分。我自己每天都離不開它們! 」
LiveGood獨特的定價策略消除了"中間商",以最低的價格將產品直接提供給消費者。這種方法已經吸引了超過一百萬會員且還在持續擴張,並在其第一年實現了 3000% 的營收增長,從 2022 年的 30 萬美元增長到 2023 年的 9,200 萬美元。
「人們需要營養補充品來保持健康。」在營養補充品業界,擁有超過20年成功經驗的LiveGood創辦人 班.格林斯基 Ben Glinsky 說到 「不幸的是,大多數人都消費不起。此外,多數人很難向朋友推銷昂貴的產品,只是為了讓獎勵計劃頂端的少數人賺錢。現在,人們可以以他們負擔得起的價格獲得他們需要的產品,並且可以自豪地與朋友分享。」
LiveGood, a direct selling company launched just 13 months ago, has already reached the milestone of one million members. Focused on helping people through advanced nutritional supplementation made with results-driven ingredients, LiveGood operates as a membership-based program and differentiates itself through a lower-cost pricing strategy that prioritizes direct membership sales and affiliate marketing. Memberships provide access to wholesale product pricing and are available for $9.95 per month or $99.95 annually with the ability to cancel at any time. The company also offers an affiliate marketing opportunity that customers can leverage to earn money on products they share with others.
The company’s growing product portfolio includes a variety of multivitamins and supplementations that target specific needs, like sleep aids, inflammation management, muscle recovery and weight management. All of them are manufactured in the US, have been produced in a cGMP/NSF certified manufacturing facility and were developed under the guide of LiveGood’s Director of Product Development Ryan Goodkin, who holds a doctorate in pharmacy and has a background as a natural health practitioner and pharmacist.
“I don’t create products to sell,” Goodkin said. “I create products to use, and for my family to use. There is no way I am going to let my family put something in their body that I don’t trust 100%. That’s why I started LiveGood. I formulated every product. I know exactly what is in them. And I would not go a day without them!”
LiveGood’s unique pricing strategy eliminates the “middle man” and instead delivers products directly to the consumer at a lower price point. This approach, which has already attracted one million members and counting, led the company to grow its revenue 3000% in its first full year, from $300,000 in 2022 to $92 million in 2023.
Members who are interested in developing a side hustle can utilize the company’s affiliate program to earn additional income by sharing the LiveGood memberships and products without the pressures of having to build or lead a team.
“People need nutritional supplements to be healthy,” said Ben Glinsky, LiveGood Founder, who has more than two decades of experience leading successful nutritional supplement companies. “Unfortunately, most people just can’t afford them. On top of that, it’s very difficult for many people to sell expensive products to friends just so a few people at the top of a compensation program can make money. Now, people can get the products they need at prices they can afford, and can be proud to share them with friends.”
轉載自丨DirectSellingNews DSN線上媒體 2024/01/09
還在尋找一個真正可靠的 #兼差 #賺錢 的方法?
全新在家工作 微創業商機!! 美商LiveGood正在席捲全世界!!
- 不用買一堆高出市價用不完的產品才能"創業"
- 不用東奔西跑"進貨、賣貨、送貨、囤貨"
- 不用推銷高價的"仙丹妙藥、神奇產品"
- 不用每個月重消、自動送貨,真正消費自由!!
免費註冊佔位丨歡迎聯繫星鑽系統LiveGoodSTAR推薦人或教練 協助您
LiveGoodSTAR星鑽居家微創業系統 在家工作丨微型創業