- 無毒清潔用品
- 類似 Norwex 的家居用品
- 高端護膚
- 旅行
- 竹製寢具、床單、被子等
- 盥洗用品 [無氟牙膏、除臭劑、洗髮精]
- 排毒茶
- 防曬乳
- 益生菌
- 身體護理 [沐浴露、肥皂、糖磨砂膏..等]
- 刮鬍膏、鬍後水
- 牙齒美白劑
- 淨水器
- 空氣清淨機
- 可以國際宅配的痠痛軟膏
- 任何虛擬的東西
- 雜貨、旅遊、餐廳、商店折扣卡
- 點心 [蛋白棒]
- 護髮、美髮產品
- 青少年會喜歡抗痘產品
- 提供輕便的 "隨身包" 選擇。 例如,E3 可以是桶裝的,也可以是一包包的條狀袋裝。 蛋白質和氨基酸也是如此。 要考量是否易於放入運動健身手提包或旅行時使用。
- 高品質寵物產品,如零食和咀嚼物。 人們為他們的寵物付錢,而寵物會咀嚼所有東西,因此重複購買推動了會員資格。
- 我真的很想在健康領域看到一些簡單的東西,例如一系列運動休閒裝和 LiveGood品牌跳繩。
- 有沒有針對EMF/電磁場 防護的產品。這對我們來說會很大,因為我們每天都過度暴露於電磁場中。
So far the wishlist consensus from my Gold to Diamond group is:
- Non-toxic Cleaning supplies
- Household goods similar to Norwex
- High end skin care
- Travel
- Bamboo bedding sheets comforters etc
- Toiletries [Fluoride free thoothpaste, deodorant, shampoo]
- Detox tea
- Sunscreen
- Probiotic
- Body care [body wash, soap, sugar scrubs, etc]
- Shaving cream, after shave.
- Snacks [protein bars]
- Hair products
- Red light therapy
- Teenagers would love anti-acne products.
- The products should also offer simple “to go” options. For example, the E3 could come in a tub or individual sticks. Same for the protein and amino acids. Think ease of use to put in a gym bag or for travel.
- I really would like to see something simple in the wellness space Like a series of high quality athleisure wear and a branded jump rope with a LiveGood jump into real good challenge...
- Any products for EMF support. This with be huge as we are so over exposed daily