他談到了LiveGood如何不支付你團隊訂購產品的費用,並且我們只靠10美元的會員費來賺錢,根本沒有利潤。 他還說你必須擁有一個龐大的團隊才能賺錢。
因此,部分觀點是完全正確的。 如果我的會員消費了10-100 美元的產品,完全是因為他們需要產品,而不是因為不消費就沒有佣金。
這裡的留存率為96%。 這就是錢之所在,因為沒有人會退出。 他們能透過批發價購買購物幫自己節省很多錢,因此9.95美元的會員費很有意義。 他們不會因為一貧如洗而放棄。
現在我們來談談會員模式。 這種模式行得通嗎? 能否持久? 我們賣的是廉價產品嗎?
好吧,事實是。在9個月內,有超過70萬活躍會員,每週新增會員 2.5 萬。 留存率高達 96%。 產品銷售如火如荼,每月都有新產品上市。全球新的轉運中心陸續開幕。
看看下面的圖表👇,問問自己這是否有道理? 請永遠記住,早在數百萬會員加入之前、早在我們新增各地的轉運中心之前、早在我們增加新的產品和服務之前、 早在你的上線說要將團隊帶到這個新事業之前,你就已經發現了這個商機了。 🤝 所以現在就加入吧。
Just watched a video from an industry guru that is in a new company every month but claims to be a big internet marketer ...
He spoke about how LiveGood does not pay out on products your team orders and how were getting paid on a $10.00 membership and there is no money. He went on to say you had to have a huge team to earn.
Well, let's look at the power of a membership organization as opposed to the old way.
LG does not jack the products up with volume or points to pay out upline in commissions. We take the same $10.00 product and allow our members to buy what they want, when they want, because they want too at the wholesale price. We don't have to go to our friends and followers selling them some magic products for $80.00 to pay out $50.00 in the pay plan. I guess some people want to get paid on marked up products and services just so a few people can make a buck off people. Some people like being forced to pay the mark up each month to stay "Active" only to quit in 2.8 months. To each his own.
So absolutely partially correct. If one of my members orders $10-$100 in products because they want too and not forced too I don't get a commission.
Retention here is 96%. That is where the money is as no one quits. They save so much money getting products at wholesale so the $9.95 membership makes sense. They don't quit for going broke.
I would rather have a member saving money, getting real value in the membership, and will be here 2,5,10, 20 years from now than begging them to make a high ticket order each month for products that are jacked up and they don't need...Get it?
As a Diamond member (50 plus now) you get a monthly pool check. Thats a percentage of the entire company revenue each month INCLUDING all product sales!
Now let's talk about the membership model. Will it work? Will it last. Are we selling cheap products?
Well here are the FACTS. In 9 months over 700,000 active members growing 20-25k new members a week. 96% retention rate. Products are selling like wildfire and more being added monthly. New distribution centers opening globally.
Look at the graph below 👇 and ask yourself does it just make sense? Just always remember you saw it here first before the millions that get memberships. Before we add new distribution centers. Before we add new products and services. Before your upline say the team is moving to this new deal 🤝 so get in now.
The awesome thing is leaders are joining because this makes sense and you can work any deal 🤝 you want without fear of being terminated, having you site cut off or getting sued for cross recruiting.
It's just don't over here and the numbers don't lie!