這是關於LiveGood會員寬限期的問題 I have heard that there is a grace period, but the position in the matrix will be lost if not paid on time. When paid late a member might be placed in a new position, the closest to the sponsor as possible, just like it's the first time around. Like a new enrollment. I think that is accurate, but I've only heard it, not read it in the official documents. 我听说有一个宽限期,但如果不按时付款,矩阵中的位置就会丢失。逾期付款时,会员可能会被安排到一个新的位置,尽可能地接近赞助人,就像第一次一样。就像一个新的入学者。我想这是准确的,但我只是听说,没有在正式文件中看到。 Thinking about it and considering one such situation I saw, it might be okay if paid before the next Thursday cutoff when the matrix get filled. Best get better advice than mine, though! 考虑到我所看到的这种情况,如果在下个星期四矩阵被填满的截止日期前支付,可能是可以的。不过,最好能得到比我更好的建议! -------------------------分隔線------------------------- 以上是團隊一位熱心的美國夥伴針對寬限期地回答 簡單說就是有可能可以在當周周結算之前補繳會員費,但這是他個人猜測未經驗證。 於是,我向我們美國上線Curry再次確認。 -------------------------分隔線------------------------- There is NO grace period. The company sends 4 emails warning you that...